
Ive read several articles on the internet now about the Bombardier V220 and V300. Looks like it might be a nice offering from them I am just wondering if anyone out there has heard any speculation on a price yet? :cool:
I read quite a while ago that they will NOT sell to the experimental market, not yet anyway, so any price you hear simply won't mean much.

The Bombardier 120? V-6 engines are interesting. They are intended to be certified engines, so don't expect them to be cheap. Bombardier has a lot of resources and could certainly make the engines available to the public shortly. They are inovative designs. I hope they (Bombardier) aren't pushed away from general aviation by liability. Honda's aviation engine has been slow to come to market as well. I know it isn't because they couldn't have them in production by now. Honda has the ability to fianalize a design in 6-8 months! The engine has been running for 2 years. There MUST be a liability problem to keep them from selling. People have been salivating over these engines from day one.
Bill Jepson
Rotary10-RV said:
... Honda's aviation engine has been slow to come to market as well. I know it isn't because they couldn't have them in production by now. Honda has the ability to fianalize a design in 6-8 months! The engine has been running for 2 years. There MUST be a liability problem to keep them from selling. People have been salivating over these engines from day one.
Bill Jepson
Liability is perhaps one reason but they have that liability with every vehicle they sell.
It may be simply a business decision (too bad for us) in that they sell millions of vehicles annually and the potential market for their 4cyl A/C engines may only be a few thousand per year.
If GA had the same cache as say Indy Car racing where they would receive incredible, free publicity simply because we were using their engines, then they surely would have been available already.

mlw450802 said:
It may be simply a business decision (too bad for us) in that they sell millions of vehicles annually and the potential market for their 4cyl A/C engines may only be a few thousand per year.
If GA had the same cache as say Indy Car racing where they would receive incredible, free publicity simply because we were using their engines, then they surely would have been available already.


You got it in one. MOST sales decisions in the Japanese factories are bottom line based. The point about liability is that the RETURN ON INVESTMENT of a GA engine is low compared to R-O-I on any auto product. The insurance cost are about the same, but the liability exposure on 1000 GA engines is the same as the 10-20,000 auto units, which are vastly more profitable. I bet the Lyc boys pooped their collective pants when they saw the first engine though!

Bill Jepson