
Well Known Member
Looks like I may have an opportunity to pursue a job in Melbourne and am wondering if there are any RV builders in the area. I'm a few weeks away from getting my license and am planning to buy a tail kit and a bunch of tools as a celebration. If this job works out, I'll probably try to pick up a QB kit so its included in my "household items"

-- bill
still debating over 7 or 7A
Builder in Australia

Im in Melbourne (Australia) If you end up in Melbourne drop me a line. There are a few SAAA chapters around Melbourne also. Im finishing up the fuselage of my second RV7a, and I might be able to help you out if you deside to build.
Mick Haynes
Thanks Mick & Pete. I can already tell the great RV community extends into Melbourne! Still haven't interviewed for the job yet, but since its internal within my company, I've heard I have a pretty good chance. Our biggest concern right now is the 30 day minimum quarantine for our dog. That will be pretty traumatic, especially for my wife. I'm more worried about how to afford the full QB kit sooner than expected. I'll let you know if it works out.
