
Way to go Christian! Best of luck to you on your journey - I am not too far behind you! Welcome to the -8 club! My membership card is being printed up :rolleyes:
I have to tell you, if I was going on the quality of my toolbox, I would have never started the tail kit. Christian, you sound like you are off to a good start and much more of a perfectionist than me!! And now, you have 4 pretty cool toolboxes and I only have one lousy one that the hinge binds when I try to open it!

Have fun - it is a blast and you are building an airplane!
Congrats and welcome.

Take your time in the beginning and you'll get the hang of it. Nothing is too difficult, but it will get frustrating at times. When it gets like that just walk away before you really mess something up. It took me a while to realize this.
Seven and a half years later....

I well remember the first kit arriving. Multiple questions to Vans, mostly answered with: you're building an airplane, not a watch.

I am getting near the completion of my very slow build but have enjoyed every step of the way, including proseal and fiberglass. I think the real key is enjoy the process as opposed to focusing on the completion. Have fun!

You will never find a better source of information than this forum. Keep us posted.


Micheal Wynn
RV 8 Finishing
San Ramon, CA