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Quick Build or not


Active Member
received my tail kit for my 10 two months ago and am making great progress.
Very much enjoying the work. I have been planing on ordering the quick build wings and fuselage. Seeing how long the wait for quick build shipping is, am thinking of getting just the wing quick build and working on a standard fuselage.
Am not sure how much work needs to be done on the quick build fuselage. In fallowing the threads the fiberglass work on the fuselage is the difficult work.
Any thoughts?

..on your schedule and budget goals. I am slow-building everything to save money and, simply, because I want to build everything myself. However, it sure isn't saving time. If your goal to get in the air outweighs your desire to slow build and save money, then go for it. :D
Tom, you will be doing the fiberglass work either way, quick build kits do not include any fiberglass work. I did slow build and really enjoyed the metal work. The kit went together very nicely, so I really can't see the point of quick build, but that is a decision every builder has to decide for themselves.
So I'm building an rv8, not a 10, but I will tell you that I'm building the wings and they are going together very fast. Much faster than I anticipated. The fuselage seems too take a fair amount more work. So if you are interested in saving time, I would quick build the fuselage and slow build the wings. By the time you are done with the wings, that will probably be about the same time your fuselage gets there.
Are you building alone? Solo wings are not bad, but I don't think you can do a fuselage without rivet help.
Even with the lead time, you'd probably still be in a better position getting QB wings and fuse if it's not a money or time issue. There is still plenty of work to be done once you get both, but I want to say my slow build wings have taken me close to a year. I wouldn't consider myself a slow or fast builder, just steady work. After getting the qb fusalage and seeing how much work was already done I was very happy to have ordered it as a QB.

Just my .02.

I went with the QB mainly due to the time and tedium. I've really enjoyed the empennage, but I would assume by the time I was halfway done with one wing that I would of wished I had gone QB. Also I'm about at a 10% overage on replacement parts, imagine I would be similar on wings and fuselage.
If I did it again, I'd quick-build the wings, slow-build the fuse.

I slow built both on my plane.

The wings are not difficult at all, just very repetitive. The fuse was more of a challenge, but WAY more interesting. I think that building the fuse up to the quickbuild level may have been my favorite part of the build! It's awesome to see the "real heart of the airplane" start to take shape with every piece you add.
Seeing how long the wait for quick build shipping is, am thinking of getting just the wing quick build and working on a standard fuselage.
Am not sure how much work needs to be done on the quick build fuselage. In fallowing the threads the fiberglass work on the fuselage is the difficult work.
Any thoughts?

I think QB wings while you do SB on the fuse is a good plan. Gives you plenty of fun work to do while you wait for the wings. As others said, the wing assembly is not hard, just repetitive [maybe a tad boring?]
As others said, no FG work is done in the QB fuse ... all the FG stuff comes in the finish kit. Then you get to slog thru it like the rest of us. ('ceptin' Dan H of course. :))
This is exactly what I did. On March 27 (had to look up dates) I ordered the QB wings and SB fuse. Make sure you tell them about about this plan as the center section will have to be delivered with the fuse.

I will finish section 29 today, so pretty close to where a QB would be at.

Wings just got delivered last week because of shipping delays.

They may have ironed out the shipping issues so the wings may get here sooner that I received mine, but you never know.

This worked out great for me. A couple of issues that are well documented though. The instructions get less and less detailed. You are assumed to know certain steps in the process by now. Some are frustrating because it would save everyone a lot of time but placing a simple sentence in here and there. Others (debut after drilling) should be common to you by now.

Don't forget the center section addition. And space. I'm building in a one car garage. I pull it out into the driveway to work on it bc of the space. I'm sure the neighbors love to hear all those rivets (it's a HOA, they won't care:D)

Let us know what you decide!

Ok made the decision filled out the order for for the slow build fuselage with center section included. Will order the quick build wings separately when I receive them will order the finish kit. The $8000+ I am saving will be spent on the panel. As for help on the riveting my wife retired in June and has helped where I can not reach and see the gun and bar at the same time.
Thank you all for advice.