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New Airworthiness Certificate Issued


Well Known Member
It's been a while since I've posted but wanted to share another certificate being issued. Vic Syracuse made the trip to Texas for me yesterday and performed the inspection. Many thanks to him for coming out of the area and spending an entire day to perform my inspection. He's built two RV-10's, inspected many more, and I really wanted his experience with the airframe in going over it one final time.

I had the paper work ready about a week early, we had reviewed it together before his trip, and everything was in order. No surprises and a relatively straightforward process. I've never certified a plane before, so this was my first rodeo and it really wasn't that bad if you've got a good inspector to guide you through the process. I can't thank him enough for going out of his way to get here.

As far as the project is concerned, it took 9 years, 8 months, and 23 days from start to airplane. Building an airplane is a pretty awesome undertaking and certainly an accomplishment to be proud of; and I am. But my biggest accomplishment during that time period is keeping my original wife and not having any close calls while bringing a pair of backseat aviators into this world. We have an airplane, but also have a pretty awesome and happy family to put inside it.

I have no idea when the first flight will occur. I'm just sitting here at the hangar drinking coffee (5AM) and thinking about when it might occur. No rush to get it in the air at this point as I've waited nearly 10 years to get to this point...........and the coffee is really fresh.


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Congratulations Phil! It is a great feeling and even better with the support of the family.
It gets even better when you start flying it!
Nice job Phil!

I really like the comment about keeping your original wife, I too have managed to do that but more because she is so understanding of this process.

The inspection on my 10 is set for tomorrow. I have been over and over that thing looking for any little issue.

Good luck in phase 1!
Nice job Phil!

I really like the comment about keeping your original wife, I too have managed to do that but more because she is so understanding of this process.

The inspection on my 10 is set for tomorrow. I have been over and over that thing looking for any little issue.

Good luck in phase 1!

RV-10 parking will be at a premium this year at OSH with all these newly minted certificates!
Way to go Phil!! If you plan to go to Osh don't wait too long on your first flight. My first flight was 2 years last week and it was all I could do to finish my Phase I before the show. In fact I got it done the Saturday before the show and we flew up the next day. I had a 40-hr fly-off and to get it done with my work schedule without cutting corners and with typical canceled flights due to summer weather, it took a solid 2-months of test flights.

Having said that, do not rush it--it happens when it happens and you'll get into Phase II in due course. While we'd love to see at the show this year it's not worth jeopardizing your safety!
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More fun to come

Congrats Phil well done. The beauty of postings like yours is that it makes my thoughts always travel back in time to the same experience. Priceless
Outstanding news, Phil!

Many congratulations and wishing you a happy phase 1. Didn't realize you lived in Waco! My hometown.

Again, congrats and good luck wiping that smile off <grin>.

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Great achievement

Congrats to you. We kept Vic busy this week!! Wishing you many safe and pleasant flights.

Sure would be nice if it was a Van's jet, and not some other one! :D

It would seem heretical to go license a new Van's airplane in anything OTHER than a Van's product. :)

The way model airplane jet engines are developing I'm thinking a 4-pod underwing configuration for a 10 can't be too far off. :)

Seriously, it's the most fun thing I do---- getting to meet all of the wonderful builders, and sometimes their families, and helping insure they safely get their new toy airborne. I don't think there is a more rewarding side to aviation.


Great job Phil. I remember way back the first time we met when you and your wife walked up while I was building at EYQ Wieser Airpark.

You are going to love it!