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Well Known Member
Well after four years and four months, two house moves, two Grand kids, a bunch of everything else in life, and toss in a hurricane, I still pulled it off.
N924RL is a gas burning machine with a wopping 7 hours TT (and rapidly increasing). The thanks is to all of you who have inspired me to persevere, provided needed information, and who have shared in the same frustrations of the build. Im still in a bit of disbelief Im actually flying this plane, as I circle and circle and circle and circle around within my 100 mile radius at 150 knots. Thank God (and Vic Syracuse) for not making it a 50 mile radius).

All I can say now is wow!
Congratulations Rich, its' a HUGE accomplishment! You are just getting familiar with it right now. It gets better and better as you go through your Phase 1.

Congrats Rich!!!!

Hoping to be there soon myself.....parts are in paint.

Enjoy...any pics or vid?

30 Nm.

Yep it hurts when you get a 30 Nm ring, but I think you will get over that in a hurry, good going. Yours, R.E.A. III # 80888