I'm ready. Anything going on this weekend? It should be nice for flying in the SE.
Anyone? Pancakes? Burgers?
709RV Roll Out

Well, sn 90054 is finally done after almost 12 years. Equipped with a YIO 320 D1a from Vans. Dynon 180 with back up airspeed and altitude steam gauges. Waiting for inspection next Friday. It weighs 1071 and as you can see is polished aluminum with painted fiberglass parts. (Porsche arctic silver).

Pictures at:

John Oliveira
Port Townsend, WA
Well, sn 90054 is finally done after almost 12 years. Equipped with a YIO 320 D1a from Vans. Dynon 180 with back up airspeed and altitude steam gauges. Waiting for inspection next Friday. It weighs 1071 and as you can see is polished aluminum with painted fiberglass parts. (Porsche arctic silver).

Pictures at:

John Oliveira
Port Townsend, WA

Congratulations John, I have heard quite a bit about your build.

Chapter 44
Phase 1 Complete

What started as this in June 2011 . . .


continued with this today . . .


After many months of fine tuning my fuel servo, electronic ignition and swapping my prop I finally reached the end of my 40 hr Phase 1 test period. I can break out of my test box tomorrow . . . but I'll never catch up to Vlad:) I'd still like to do more testing and I will. I am getting very comfortable with the plane. She flies wonderfully - very stable and predictable. I have the WW Ground adjustable prop dialed in perfectly giving me excellent performance in cruise and climb. I am able to meet or exceed all of Vans published numbers. Solo with full fuel I am able to climb 2000+ fpm climb. Today I clocked 165kph at 4K' straight and level. My stall speeds have been confirmed at 43kts dirty and 48 kts clean.

Absolutely the most enjoyable plane to fly . . . see you in OSH:)
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Well, sn 90054 is finally done after almost 12 years. Equipped with a YIO 320 D1a from Vans. Dynon 180 with back up airspeed and altitude steam gauges. Waiting for inspection next Friday. It weighs 1071 and as you can see is polished aluminum with painted fiberglass parts. (Porsche arctic silver).

Pictures at:

John Oliveira
Port Townsend, WA

Gorgeous polish job! With the subtle drop shadow on the polished metal, that N-number looks like it's just floating off to the side of the airplane!:cool:
Slipstream Runner

The 10th of April will be twelve months since first flight. But we have finally got around to painting. I've still got the wheel pants and fairings for the mains to do yet. All going well I should have them done in the next couple of months.

I hope you like it.

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Slick paint job!



One of the best I have seen.

Honestly the shapes, the form, the colour set, offset to the bare aluminium, all make for something special.

It has changed the shape of the aircraft visually and in a really good way.

Well done.
Probably one of the few times you'd see a group of mostly guys agree with the statement "Sexy! But she'd look even better with her pants on".
Bob, when are we going to see more pics of your gorgeous airplane???

Thanks for the kind words Guys.

Finding time to fit the pants and fairings on the mains is a bit hard at the moment Tom. We are building a Hanger/Chalet and we are trying to finish this so we can lock it up. The Hanger doors are not on yet and "Slipstream Runner" is getting **** blown all over it. But as soon as I get a chance to get the pants etc on and painted, I'll take some more pic's and post them.


It Is Done

Finished. Ran the complete overhauled engine (0 SMOH) Lycoming O-320-E2A for the first time today. Battery wasn't fully charged so we started her the old fashioned way, by hand prop. Started on the third pull, which is remarkable considering the last time this engine ran was 1999. Have a few items to program in the Chelton EFIS, Grand Rapids EIS and stick the N numbers on the tail tomorrow. Beginning to complete the FAA paperwork tonight. Hope to have that all completed by next Friday then wait for FAA inspection.




Pat Garboden
Katy, TX
RV-9A N942PT (reserved)
she's awaiting DAR inspection ...

Completed the first taxi test successfully ... all temps within range, all running gear performed great. Can't get over the thrill of contacting ground announcing my very own N-number for the very first time. This was a big, BIG day.
Oops ...

Sorry about those HUGE pics. I didn't see any choices or options for pic size or resolution in the posting process. Oh well ...
Looks real nice Terry. I like you panel with the old style 3 and the new glass. Best of both worlds and great backup. Good luck on the inspection and have fun flying the heck out of your plane. Is that a Catto prop?
Not really finished but getting closer every day.

I have been flying for 14 months and have 100 hours on the plane and as of today I have all the fairings and wheel pants on. I found a fellow (Sheril Helton) that does builder assist not 10 minutes flying time from my home airport. He has built several RV's and even a 10. He is a great guy and does really nice work. I had the nose pant on but was having a tough time finding time to finish the rest and he offered to help. Two weeks later my plane is back home and ready for me to finish the paint work. I am thrilled to have this over with. Now if I can just make the time to finish the painting. :eek:
Also the fairings from RV-Bits in South Africa are awesome. They fit like a glove.

Pretty much done now. Wheel pants are painted. Made a big difference in looks.
On the road again!
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Just out of the paint shop!

Here's a picture of N417PR just out of Bobby Pott's shop in Tuscaloosa. I can't recommend him highly enough.
Now if I can just figure out how to keep the pesky bugs off of it!!! Sure beats flying around with a pink cowl!!!!

Sweet! If Richard Branson ever holds a fly in at 90NM she would look great next to White Knight :)
N112Y Back From Paint

N112Y is now back from paint. Kendall at Lancaster Aero did a great Job!!


If all goes well I plan on flying to Airventure this year.
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Here ya go

Right click on your photo in photobucket, then click "Properties", then copy the address (it will end in .jpg), then use the "Insert Image" button or paste it between image tags. Press the quote button to see the format. Great looking airplane, BTW!

Beautiful plane and nice clean interior. You are going to enjoy this great plane.

Go Ducks.

Sorry. Had to throw that in there. I grew up in Klamath Falls and played baseball for the Ducks back when Mel Krause was coach. Beautiful plane however. You did really well.

Pat Garboden
N942PT Finished, inspected by FAA, not flown.
Katy, TX
Nice Job

Nice job Alan I have flown in and out of Creswell many times, when we lived over there, very nice airplane you have built. They fly great you will enjoy it. I hope to meet up with you at the homecoming or maybe Arlington EAA flyin this year and get a closer look at it. If you get over on the East side swing into RDM and say hello.

Ready for first flight!

Finally, we have a plane. First flight probably in September, after holidays.



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looks good!

Nice job. I'm right behind you in RV-9A. FAA inspection Aug 6. No paint yet but will be similar to yours when painted.
Great to see another fine example of the 9A under the Spanish sun! My 17 year old daughter just returned from an exchange year living in Murcia. She loved her time there and the Spanish culture. Too bad she didn't tune into the RV culture too! She has some stick time in mine.
Best of luck with the first flight, you are going to love flying this plane!

I finished my phase 1 testing a few weeks ago but had not completed the cowl paint. I have now finished that so I figured I could finally post here.
OK, i'm bustin' into your kitlog now. we are on the fence about jumping away from the A model and going to the D model.... but this paint scheme is really what caught my eye. hope there are details in the log on your paint process.
well done and safe flying!
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